Imagine;  unlimited prosperity, unlimited abundance, unlimited invention & innovation, unlimited enterprise, unlimited scientific research & technology, a clean global environment, unlimited infrastructure, 100% employment, 100% career satisfaction, 100% democracy, world peace, and a world of equality. The list can go on.

Imagine no more; global financial crises, poverty, resource related wars, financial related crime, global warming and environmental issues, starving children, homelessness, financial hardship. The list can go on.

Every human being on the planet has basic needs, requirements and wants. Every human being on the planet deserves to have these met. Every human being deserves a home to live in, food to eat, job security, a job of fulfillment  education, health services, the latest technology, transportation, clothing, to live in safety. Every human being deserves to contribute to society. Every human being deserves to live a rich, abundant, prosperous, comfortable life, and lifestyle. All 7 billion of us.


There are 2 ways to achieving a brave Brand New World. 1. Politically. 2. Economically.

Governments’ sole purpose is to create ideal living conditions for the people. Governments exist to create a comfortable, abundant, prosperous, life and lifestyle.  This is their true purpose, and reason for existing in our lives. The purpose of governments is not to create poverty, it is not to create homelessness, it is not to create gaps between rich and poor, it is not to create crime, it is not to create environmental harm, it is not to create hatred between nations, it is not to create war, it is not to play political games with the world and with our lives. Governments’ sole reason in our lives is to enhance our life.

Commerce is the tool to create these ideal living conditions for the people. Commerce has brought to the world prosperity, abundance, innovation, invention, jobs, and careers. It has brought the modern world to the apex of all we see around us. On the flip side, commerce has also caused a divide between rich and poor, environmental degradation, crime, poverty, financial hardships, to name a few negatives.

Lets wipe the slate clean and recreate governments and commerce in our world, and create a more just, prosperous, abundant, innovative, inclusive, and peaceful world, for all 7 billion of us.

In politics, democracy is the prime political driver of the modern world. It pits Left leaning vs Right leaning candidates in elections, with the one winner representing the entire population for years to come. A more democratic model can exist. The Brand New World idea for democracy instead suggests having all political leanings represented in an elected government with 2 equal leaders, consisting of Left and Right leanings. In elections, the electorate rather than voting for a single party to represent the entire population, instead votes for leaders to represent both the Left, and Right. The 2 voted leaders of the Left and of the RIght, form government together, of the people, for the people, representing all the people, left, and right. This form of government can create fairer, more just, inclusive, visionary, innovative, policies for the nation, and for the world.

In commerce, the Capital economy is the prime economic driver of the modern world. It is an exchange of money for products and or services. Products and services fulfill our prime needs and wants and enhance life, lifestyle, and living conditions. Products and services provide us with food, shelter, education, health services, transportation, technology, arts, crafts, luxury items, travel and tourism, (to name but a few), needed to enhance life, lifestyle, and living conditions. We all need, and we all want these products and services in our lives. And since the dawn of time, humanity created money as an exchange medium to obtain these products and services. But what if money was never created? What alternative means could have been put into place to still enable us obtain to these products and services?

The Brand New World idea for commerce suggests such an economic model, one without money as the means of exchange. The idea is to change the Money Economy into a Contribution Economy, in which money is removed an exchange medium, and replaced by our working in our chosen jobs to provide the products and services to the market, to our consumers, the community, society, and the world.

In this model, each person has a role in the economy. In our chosen careers, we provide products or services required for the market, without money as a means of exchange. Our products or services are supplied to our consumer for free. Our contribution instead acts as the alternative means to money.

So without money in the economy, we work to provide our products or services to the world instead of working to obtain (varying levels of) money, to then obtain the products and services we need, and want, in our lives.

Therefore, the doctor provides medical services, the teacher provides education, the miner provides minerals, the butcher provides meat, the retail assistant provides goods, the farmer provides produce, the travel clerk, the nurse, the musician, the computer programmer, the entrepreneur, the inventor, the researcher, the plumber, the factory worker, you name the industry or business, or job, we all provide our products and services to the market for free consumption. And inturn, we freely consume any product or service we need in our lives, to enhance our lifestyle, and living conditions. We work to provide our goods or services to anyone and everyone, without exchange, and we consume from anyone and everyone, without exchange. No role is too big, or too small, they all contribute, we all contribute, to the economy.

Essentially, we live in a similar type of consumerist economy as currently exists, with the main difference in that money is not involved, and thus, without money as a restraining effect, we have access to unlimited products and services. Researches have unlimited access for their research.  Inventors, explorers, entrepreneurs, all have unlimited access to their potential. We have unlimited prosperity. Every single person of the planet.

And the path toward an effective Brand New political and economical World is in unifying this idea to become a global collective effort. In this pathway, State BNW parties are created worldwide, in democratic nations, and are elected into government. To unify these BNW nations, a global, Federal BNW Governance, with a constitution outlining BNW values and ideals would be established in which interaction, laws, and rules are created and governed. States remain sovereign, but interact through a federal constitution which outlines and legalises the idea of an innovated, abundant, free, and peaceful world for all.


We stand at the crossroads. We can change the world. We can wipe the slate clean. We can create an abundant, prosperous, innovative, and peaceful world for all humankind, and we can create a world of pure democracy. It will be a world in which we have anything we want. It will be a world without financial restraints. We can create what our minds innovate. We can have what our hearts desire. We could become a people of education, exploration, innovation, of peace, of diverse cultures and traditions. There will no longer be poor or hungry people. There will no longer be homelessness. There will not be struggle. No wars. And no (financial related) crime. We may finally invent those flying cars, and spaceships to the stars, we may explore the deepest oceans, and the smallest atoms. We may find all manner of cures to all manner of diseases. We may cleanse the environment. Inventions or ideas not yet fathomed may be created. We will own our homes outright. We won’t suffer mortgages, or incessant bills. Our working life will be perfect, working in careers we choose and which fulfil us, instead of simply working in jobs to pay all the recurring bills. Our social lives will be at the forefront of our life and lifestyle, our working life then enhances (not dictates) our overall living conditions.

It’s a big change, there’s no doubt. It’s evolutionary, humankind’s evolution. But substantial change has occurred since the dawn of time. We have accepted change every step of the way. The one great attribute of humankind is the adaptability in the face of change. Change after all is for the enhancement of life, living standards, and living conditions.

And there you go. A clean slate. A Brand New World. A world as it is meant to exist. A world of abundance, equality, freedom, peace, prosperity, enterprise, invention, and innovation for all 7 billion people on this planet. So, spread the word to all corners of the world. Start your parties in all corners of the world. Wipe the slate clean. Change the world. Let’s do it, for us, and for our children, for the world, and for all humankind.

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