Suppose one day in the very near future, the Secretary General of the United Nations proclaimed the following statement; We are wiping the slate clean. We are starting from scratch, to create a Brand New World. All 196 countries, representing all 7 billion people, will come together to change the world as it currently exists. We will create a world in which abundance, equality, freedom, peace, prosperity, enterprise, invention, and innovation, exist for everyone in the world, for all seven billion of us, and not a single soul less. There will be no restrictions to the change. It is up to us. And, equally, it is up to you. Anything is possible.

If you could change the world, what kind of world would you create? What world would you create for yourself, for your family, your friends, your community, your country, and all the people of the world? With the potential for anything, for any kind of world, what do we create? A Brand New World. How do we create it? What do we create? How should this new world look, how should this new world exist? What do we want in it? What don’t we want in it?

Anything is possible.

The choice is ours to create the kind of world that can and should exist. There can be peace in the world. There can be freedom in the world. There can be prosperity for all. There can be invention and innovation of unlimited imaginings. There can be abundance for all. We can create this. We can wipe the slate clean and create a brand new world.

Suppose now, that is this not a hypothetical scenario, but an actual possibility. Suppose, we can change the world. And suppose we can do this now.

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